Where are you from?
I'm originally from Dekalb County, Georgia, but primarily grew up in Franklin County, Georgia.
What is your role with UGA Extension and what does a typical day on the job look like?
I serve as the Agriculture and Natural Resources agent and Camden County Extension coordinator. As an agent in a coastal county, my job looks a little different than that of some of my colleagues.
Most of my work focuses on natural resources issues and education as well as homeowner horticulture.
My issue programming focuses on coastal water quality, invasive species management, non-game wildlife education and sustainable landscapes. I also serve on a lot of local committees and planning teams that work on coastal hazard mitigation issues.
My job is very varied to say the least, and an average day may find me answering client questions, teaching a virtual class to groups locally or across the state in one of my programming areas, teaching water quality monitoring to a gifted class of one of our nine elementary schools, helping one of our local municipalities with technical aspects of an ecotourism grant or teaching a Master Naturalist class among other things.

Participants take water samples during a Georgia Adopt-A-Stream bacterial monitoring workshop.
Participants take water samples during a Georgia Adopt-A-Stream bacterial monitoring workshop.
A lot of my time has also been dedicated to the statewide Georgia Green Landscape Stewards program that was launched in March 2021 and created by myself and partner Martin Wunderly through a mini-grant from the UGA Center for Urban Agriculture.
Why did you choose to be a part of UGA Extension?
I’ve always worked in natural resources management and education, but in previous jobs I was focusing on one specific area or another – water, forestry, wildlife, etc.
Extension gave me the opportunity to utilize all of my knowledge, skill sets and professional contacts. I appreciate being able to program on issues and topics that I’m passionate about and that freedom and flexibility is largely what drew me to, and keeps me with, Extension.
What has been the best experience you've had so far as part of Extension?
Extension – in Georgia and nationally – is like a family. I have made some great friends across Georgia and the nation who have been there for my husband and me through some really difficult times.
I have had the chance to go on some amazing professional development trips with these friends, and my spouse is part of that family too, although he does not work for Extension.
Aside from that, I enjoy seeing others get enthusiastic about nature and have “aha” moments — especially when this includes shifting the paradigm from humans being against nature to humans working with nature.

A Camden County Master Naturalist class gathers on the beach at Jekyll Island.
A Camden County Master Naturalist class gathers on the beach at Jekyll Island.

Participants show their impact during a Rivers Alive river cleanup hosted by Camden County Extension.
Participants show their impact during a Rivers Alive river cleanup hosted by Camden County Extension.
How has your experience as part of Extension changed you?
I have continued to grow as a leader and an educator through my eight years with Extension.
I have seen the best and the worst in people, and have increased empathy for the different challenges we all face and how our experiences and background shape those challenges.

A Camden County Master Naturalist class stands aboard the R/V Georgia Bulldog with Marine Extension/Georgia Sea Grant.
A Camden County Master Naturalist class stands aboard the R/V Georgia Bulldog with Marine Extension/Georgia Sea Grant.
What do you like to do outside of work — hobbies, interests, secret talents?
I love to be outside and exploring in, and observing, nature. My husband Josh and I love to take our two dogs, Zoe and Izzy, hiking and to the beach. We love to travel.
I enjoying gardening with native plants and creating more habitat for pollinators and wildlife, as well as nature photography. I also love to craft – sewing, embroidery, crochet, jewelry making, etc.