
Our future is rooted in growing our understanding of agricultural and environmental sciences. Discover how CAES is working to feed the world, protect the environment and innovate industry.

A prairie with native grasses and blooms in the foreground

Wild beauty: How to transform your lawn into a pollinator paradise

Wild beauty: How to transform your lawn into a pollinator paradise

“One of my favorite quotes is, ‘Find meaningful work and work hard at it with people you love.’ That sums up Extension for me — that’s what it's all about.”

Laura Perry Johnson, associate dean for Extension

“I am a deliriously happy person, and I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Will Harris, Department of Animal and Dairy Science alumnus and owner of White Oak Pastures

Stan Gray tends to the iris garden at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah

Experts study mystery irises at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens

Experts study mystery irises at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens

Helping people makes me happy. The emphasis of UGA Extension is to serve others, so I feel lucky that I've had a job that's given me the tools to help others and find happiness in the process.

Rolando Orellana, water management agent for the Center for Urban Agriculture

“I like getting my students to go beyond their comfort zones and get to know the people here. Everyone here has a story, and I love that this course allows us to tell those stories.”

Abigail Borron, who teaches “Culture-Centered Communication and Engagement”

“I used to think of education as the way to enlighten your mind. UGA made me believe that your mind can change the world.”

Samikshya Rijal, plant breeding, genetics and genomics doctoral student

Turf breeder Brian Schwartz wears a quarter-zip shirt with a Tif3D logo in his workspace at UGA-Tifton

New ‘Tif3D’ turfgrass promises superior putting green performance

New ‘Tif3D’ turfgrass promises superior putting green performance

“My advice would be to work for companies that have values: integrity, innovation and a commitment to excellence.

Caroline Hofland, president and CEO of CBH International

Taking on an international position allowed me to appreciate how important global food security is, and how critical research is as part of the solution.”

Dave Hoisington, director of the Innovation Lab for Peanut

Check out recent issues of the Almanac for more great stories like these.